Mommy Makeover

Mommy Makeover Temecula

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(951) 698-3344

Whew! You have just popped out some babies and nurtured them with breastfeeding. And then, one day you look in the mirror and notice the toll that has been taken on your body. Most women notice that their breasts have become smaller and are “less perky”, especially with some volume loss in the upper part of the breast. This loss of fullness in the upper part, or “upper pole” is most noticeable because it sticks out of the shirt for all to see. When the upper pole is full, the breasts appear more youthful. The childbirth and breastfeeding experience can cause a loss of this fullness with not only loss of volume but stretching of the skin and the breast shape appears more aged. This loss of size and skin loosening can even cause the breast to descend and appear to sag. Luckily, advanced plastic surgery techniques can restore the lost volume and lift and improve skin tone and texture.

 These breast changes are not the only area affected by the childbirth experience. As the baby grows inside the tummy, the wall of the abdomen must stretch to accommodate these new proportions. This means that the skin can become stretched and after childbirth, women may see skin excess as folding. This folding is especially prominent over the lower part of the abdomen where the skin can seem to fall over and cover the pubic area. In fact, even the pubic skin can become loose and seem to sag. Tummy tuck techniques are well equipped to smooth and streamline skin to restore a woman’s natural and sleek form. This is because, In addition to skin removal and reshaping during a tummy tuck, the muscle layer is flattened. And depending on a patient’s weight, some patients can have a completely flat abdomen after their childbirth years with tummy tuck surgery. So what do you have when you do both tummy and breast surgery? A mommy makeover!  

What is mommy makeover surgery?

Firstly, a mommy makeover is not one specific surgery but rather a combination of treatments involving the breast and tummy to restore shape lost from child birthing and breast feeding. In fact, mommy make over surgery may also involve treatment of the arms and legs, depending on the patient’s anatomy. Liposuction, also known as liposculpture,  is usually added to treatment of the breast and abdomen because it can really trim the sides of the patient, thus restoring a patient to her pre-baby shape. Therefore, mommy makeover includes not only treatment of the breast and tummy but possibly other areas of concern.

One of the most amazing things about the effects of childbirth on the body is that, in addition to the aging process we see on the body, there can be an acceleration of the aging process over the face. At your consultation, you can voice issues you see over the body and also the face and make a plan to correct things that bother you. 

Mommy Makeover Cost

One of the great things about mommy makeovers is that when one combines procedures, the price is less than if one had all those procedures separately.  Care should be taken, though, not to have a total surgery time exceed more than about 5 hours because each of the complications occur with more frequency over five hours. This higher complication rate when a procedure is more than five hours affects all problems, from small healing issues to DVT blood clots, to needing to be in the hospital after the procedure. Complications like these can have an effect on scarring, a financial impact and can even affect the health of the patient. In addition they can “throw a wrench in” the patient’s early return to exercise and their regular daily activities! So make sure your mommy makeover doesn’t go much past 5 hour surgery time! It is hard to say, exactly to the minute, how long a mommy makeover will take but if it is scheduled for six or more hours, it is better to split up the surgery into parts and perform the parts on differing days. That may make scheduling more difficult but there are other benefits besides safety, including a faster return to activities and less discomfort.  

In fact, sometimes splitting the surgery into parts can give a better cosmetic outcome and especially if multiple procedures are done for the breast. For example, in patients who require a breast implant with a lift and a tissue reduction, the lift and reduction can be done first and the implant placed in six months. These three surgeries are usually performed together but these three procedures when added to a tummy tuck would probably take 7 hours! And that is not safe for the patient. At your consultation, you can work with a plastic surgeon to determine what procedures you need and how they can be performed, either combined or as above, in a staged fashion. Healing is usually quick with a rapid return to activities after cosmetic surgery and so the next procedure can be performed in a short time. 

Mommy Makeover Surgery Near Me

One of the most important concepts of perioperative surgical care centers on the need for patients to have ready access to the treating doctor before, during and especially after the procedure. There are many reasons for this important rule. One is that complications, though uncommon, may occur and when they do happen usually within the first 24 to 48 hours after the procedure. It is therefore very important for the treating physician to have access to the patient to both monitor the patient after surgery and to be available to answer any questions a patient may have. Patients may become concerned about an issue after surgery and if the plastic surgeon is close by, it makes it that easier for the patient to come to the office to see the Doctor. Most issues concerning a patient after surgery relate to the healing process. So if a patient can easily come in to see the Doctor at the office, the Doctor can allay the patient’s concerns so the patient doesn’t have to worry.

Mommy Makeover Specials

One of the great benefits of mommy makeover surgery that involve procedures to multiple areas is that a discount can be given for this longer procedure. 

Mommy Makeover Regret

It is very unusual for mommy make over patients to be unhappy with their surgery because they look very different as a result of the multiple techniques. Additionally, when a Plastic Surgeon does a mommy makeover, one goal is to make the parts go together and this, in itself is beneficial for the patient.

Mommy Makeover Surgery Cost Near Me

Patients can get the most from their surgical procedure by combining surgeries for the breast and tummy. There are cost benefits to one surgery versus multiple surgeries as well as less time taken off from work. It is important to have surgery and remain nearby to the Doctor who performs your procedure so that you can be closely monitored and all of your postoperative questions can be answered.

breast lift surgery - As women, we all want the same thing- a breast shape we are proud of.