Scarless Breast Lift with Implants
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Scarless Breast Lift with Implants
Breast augmentation is very gratifying for patients and the implants themselves are very long lasting. Many patients have had this wonderful procedure when they were younger and it has helped to not only improve breast shape but also enhance their self esteem. Breast implants also restore harmony between the chest and torso and so make it easier to wear all styles of clothing.
With the passage of time, some patients who have already had breast implants develop sagging of their breasts and seek a breast lift to remedy the issue.
Causes of Breast Sagging
The breast may droop because the overlying skin has lost its ability to support the breast over time. When the breast descends lower, there is also a loss of fullness in the upper part of the breast. This loss of “upper pole fullness” can be very disconcerting for patients because this is the part of the breast that is exposed above the shirt or bathing suit.
Sagging with implants can also happen over time when the implant is very large, when the implant has been placed above the muscle or there has been a muscle release with the initial surgery. In all of these situations, the muscle is not acting like an internal bra to support the implant, and with time, the breast itself can descend with resultant loss of upper pole fullness.
Lateral Displacement of Breast Implants
Some patients may notice that their breast implants have fallen, not only downward but also to the side and especially when they lie down. They may feel their implants are moving towards the armpit or feel like the implants are detached or moving and that the implants feel uncomfortable when they lie down. In fact, some patients may feel their implants are both too low and also fall to the side. When these two issues happen together, the implant becomes significantly lower on the chest and there is complete loss of upper pole fullness.
Internal Breast Lift
Over many years, Dr. Newman has developed a natural technique, without the use of any mesh or support to naturally lift and re-sculpt the implant pocket from the inside and so there are no scars because the repair is completely internal. Most patients require only one surgery to achieve the lift.
You were so proud of your breasts after breast augmentation, so why live with sagging breasts when something can be done about it? Please consult with Dr. Newman to see if you are a candidate for breast reshaping with the internal breast lift.

Scarless Breast Lift FAQ
Are there really no scars with scarless breast Lift with implant surgery?
This procedure is done through a small incision under the edge of the areola which is the scar from the initial breast implant surgery.
Who is a good candidate for scarless breast lift with implant surgery?
Patients who develop certain types of breast sagging after breast augmentation surgery are good candidates. These patients have generally lost fullness in the upper part of the breast and the implant is at a lower position on the chest.
What about patients who have implants that fall to the side or fall into the armpit? Are they good candidates for scarless breast lift surgery?
When patients who have had breast implant surgery feel like their breast implants have become loose, are falling to the side when they lie down or feel like their implants fall towards or into their armpits when they lie down, they may be excellent candidates for scarless breast lift with implant surgery.
How is the procedure done?
Changes to the position of the implant are made by changing the shape and size of the pocket the implant sits in.
What kind of anesthesia is required?
These procedures are performed comfortably under general anesthesia.
What size implant is chosen for this surgery?
Some patients may have developed drooping with their implants because the implant was too heavy. In these situations, it may be best to go with a smaller implant but it is important to discuss your wishes with a breast surgeon to see which size is best for you and to discuss your personal wishes.
Is mesh or other foreign materials necessary to perform scarless lift with implant surgery?
No mesh is required for this surgery. The surgeon used your own natural tissues for the reconstruction.
What are the benefits of scarless lift with implant surgery?
The breast not only is raised to a higher level but there is more fullness of the upper part of the breast.
Besides cosmetic improvement, are there any other functional improvements?
Patients may feel their implants don’t move around so much after surgery or rub against their chest. They may also note that their implants don’t fall t the side or into their armpit as much and they have better cleavage.