Gummy Bear Implants

Gummy Bear Implants

Studies have long shown that breast augmentation surgery is very gratifying for women seeking to not only enhance their size but also improve their shape. Breast shape can be lost as the result of pregnancy and breast feeding. Some patients may feel that they never had the shape they wished from the start. In either case, breast implant surgery can help patients with size and form. 

Over the long term,  changes to the structure and content of breast implants has changed very little. Both saline (water filled) and silicone gel breast implants (gel)  have been used since the early fifties and both have been successful over the years. Both implants have been studied thoroughly and  have been found to be safe and effective for both cosmetic surgery and for use in reconstructive surgery. 

Breast shaped implants went through their “vogue”, as well as textured surfaced implants but these are not seen that much anymore. When gel implants began to be used again in 2007, there was a surge in their use but it may be surprising to hear that saline breast implants are still the most common implants used in the United States. Some cosmetic surgeons perform breast augmentation fat transfer but this technique has been shown not to be reliable or effective. 

Breast Augmentation with Gummy Bear Implants

About ten years ago, the two major breast implant manufacturers, Mentor and Allergan, received approval from the FDA to market gummy bear implants. In the medical arena, they are called “cohesive gel implants”. They have a denser, more firm feel and the manufacturers state that since the implants are more firm,  they have less chance for rippling and the upper part of the breast is more full after the procedure. 

How Do Gummy Bear Implants Work

The reason gummy bear implants are more firm is that the molecules of gel are longer. And since they are longer, they can rub and “catch” each other and thus, are more firm and resistant to motion. 

Gummy Bear Implants Near Me

This is a common search for patients looking to have their breast augmentation near them. It is very good to have your breast augmentation at a surgery center and also for the doctor to be nearby after the surgery. Complications from breast augmentation are quite uncommon but you always want to have help close by or should you have a question about your surgery or have any concerns, the doctor can be close by to make it easy for you to go in for an appointment to see the doctor.

Gummy Bear Implants Recall

The only breast implants that have  been recalled by the FDA are those with a textured surface. A very rare cancer, called “Breast Implant Associated Lymphoma” or BIAL has been associated with any textured implant and so they have been taken off the market. There have been under one thousand cases of BIAL to date, and more than twenty million patients have breast implants. Smooth surfaced gummy bear implants as well as all the other gel implants and saline implants are still approved by the FDA.

Gummy Bear Implants Problems

The implants have been proven to be safe by the FDA and are safe for patients. Patients should feel them at consultation and compare the feel of them to the other silicone gel implants to see if they like them.

Stop Wasting Your Money on Wrinkle Creams That Do Nothing

Stop Wasting Your Money on Wrinkle Creams That Do Nothing

Wrinkle creams are a multi-billion dollar business that preys on our own worst fear that we are getting old. And according to the American Academy of Dermatology, anti-aging creams and serums, eye creams and even very expensive topical creams do little to nothing to treat wrinkles. But there is one treatment that is highly effective, is very safe and can last many years. More on that later but let’s talk about how wrinkle cream companies say their products work.

Back to the Drawing Board

Companies that sell wrinkle creams typically advertise that chemicals in their creams and serums penetrate the skin layer to cause changes in the structure of skin and its cells. There are two very important untruths right there. Firstly, the most important function of our skin is to keep chemicals outside of our body. The strong outer layer of our skin is an incredibly strong barrier to nearly every chemical known to man. So wrinkle creams never get to the skin to provide any effect.

The second untruth is the notion that the chemicals in wrinkle creams somehow alter skin metabolism. For example, many creams claim they increase production of collagen which is the protein responsible for the strength and structure of the skin itself.

But our metabolism is like a thermostat in that our DNA gives instructions for exactly how much collagen our body produces and that is not changed by anything applied to the skin even if it could penetrate to get to the skin cells.

In addition, creams that claim they contain collagen also don’t work for the same reason: if bricklayers work at a certain rate, simply giving them more brinks won’t help them work faster. Our DNA tells the skin cells how much collagen to produce and so creams are totally ineffective at increasing collagen production.

What Wrinkle Creams Really Do

If wrinkle creams and wrinkle serums don’t fix wrinkles, what do they do? In the short term, they have three effects: spackling the wrinkles flat, causing inflammation which pops out fine wrinkles and the use of silicates which can provide some shrinking of the skin. Let’s discuss all three effects.

Filling the Cracks

Wrinkle creams and also makeup both contain powder mixed with chemicals that moisturize; keeping the powder particles wet and thus keeps the powder from drying out over the short term. Over the several hours after application, our warm skin causes the water in the moisturizer to evaporate. At this point, the makeup or other product loses volume so it doesn’t fill the wrinkle anymore and since the powder has nothing to hold it together, it begins to crack, making the wrinkles appear worse.


Retinols (retinoic acid) work by causing inflammation which results in skin swelling. And because the skin is thicker, the wrinkles temporarily pop out. This change is best seen with fine wrinkles. There are two problems with these agents. The first is that repeated swelling can lead to long term damage of the skin. The other problem is that retinols are one of the few chemicals that can penetrate the skin and change DNA. This might lead to skin atrophy and long term thinning of the skin.

Newest Hype

Splashed all over the television are commercials about a new product that tightens skin miraculously, and in seconds! These products contain silicates, powder found in certain rocks. How do they work? Perhaps the salts in the cream form a temporary bond with each other, and when the skin dries, there may be some tightening. Unfortunately the improvement is short lived because with any slight skin movement the bonds will crack. So the effect is very short lived. I guess our face is not made of stone!

What Works

For patients with intermediate to deep wrinkles, the best way to achieve permanent and safe wrinkle removal is to use the CO2 laser. When done safely and with good post-treatment skin care, most patients can have anywhere from 85% to 95% of the wrinkles removed permanently. When looking at all surgeries done, few procedures can boast that amount of improvement in one treatment. That’s why the laser is the gold standard to which all other wrinkle removal techniques are compared.

So don’t waste your time and hard earned savings on useless wrinkle creams. Think of laser skin treatment as an investment in your beauty. It can stave off the effects of time on our skin and leave the skin looking refreshed, natural and smooth.

Rhinoplasty and the Aging Nose

Rhinoplasty and the Aging Nose

As a child, I remember the joy of being at family events in the company of my much older relatives. I remember them bending down to hug me and have a mental snapshot of someone leaning down, nose first. At the time, I just thought it was because they were bending down to greet me and it wasn’t until much later that I discovered that some people’s noses naturally droop and that drooping was more common in older people.

The Aging Process

The aging process affects all of the parts of our body. We can lose the natural thickness of our skin and also its underlying attachments leading to skin laxity. There is also a generally a loss of youthful fat with time and even our bones tend to lose volume. The nose itself can change shape. With age, the nose can appear larger (as the face becomes smaller) and become more prominent. There can also be nasal drooping which, aesthetically, makes the nose look longer than it actually is.

Nasal Drooping can also Occur When We are Young

The nose can also appear to droop in youth, and again, this can become bothersome to patients because it makes the nose look longer than it really is. The appearance of drooping can also bring out certain emotions and make patients seem angry or serious. Rhinoplasty surgery (nose jobs) are directed toward raising the tip to a certain position so as to create beauty but the emphasis, with today’s modern techniques is to only raise the tip to the point which creates harmony but doesn’t have too much show of the nostril.

Upward rotation of the tip is also done as part of a balanced nose shaping to shorten the longer nose. The longer nose is long and so may require shortening but shortening of the nose can also help as it makes the nose smaller, and since most patients who come for nose shaping surgery complain that their nose is too big, a certain amount of shortening can help achieve that goal.

False Drooping of the Nose

Some patients may appear to have a long nose with drooping but when you look on side view, the tip is in already good position. Facial Plastic Surgeons define this good position as at least a 90 degree angle between the upper lip and the tip on side view.

Some patients may have other parts of the nose that give the aesthetic appearance that the tip is drooping, even thought there is no actual drooping. This is especially common when patients have larger bump on the bridge of their nose. The curve of the bump makes it look like the tip is drooping when, in fact it might not be.

There are also some nostril and tip shapes that can also make it appear that a nose is drooping. Attention to these details, and their improvement can alleviate the appearance of drooping.

Rhinoplasty Cost

Rhinoplasty cost varies based on the nature of the surgery and whether the surgery is performed closed (all incisions on the inside) or with open rhinoplasty, where the skin is lifted to gain a better view of the tip for more complicated nasal problems.

Healing After Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty recovery is usually quick. The nose is a very small part of the body and thus, pain is generally quite minimal. Patients wear a small splint on the nose for six days and there is usually minimal swelling.

The Gift of Rhinoplasty

One of the most interesting aspects of nasal surgery is that, despite the surgery only being performed on the nose, there is a change to the entire face. How this happens has defied Plastic Surgeons over the years in terms of its explanation. It might be because one is no longer drawn to a larger nose but now sees the other beautiful parts of the face such as the lips, the eyes and the overall shape of the nose.

As with all cosmetic surgery, it’s a good idea to obtain the guidance of an experienced Facial Plastic Surgeon so you can work toward the beautiful nose you deserve!

What Causes Under Eye Bags?

What Causes Under Eye Bags?

The Cause of Under Eye Bags

One of the most common issues mentioned to plastic surgeons by their patients is what they refer to as “under eye bags”. They note the accumulation of fat that bulges from the lower eyelids and want to do something about it. The great news is this problem can be completely solved and there are several different ways to provide the improvement.


Why Does Fat Form Under the Eyes?

To understand why fat forms under the eye, it is good to have an explanation of the anatomy of the tissues around the eye. The eye itself sits inside a bony space called the orbit which protects it from accidental bumping or the rare Frisbee assault. To further cushion any possible trauma to the eye, there is fat within the orbit and around the eye. In addition, the eye doesn’t sit at the floor of the orbit space but is suspended by a series of ligaments that act as a hammock. This hammock supports the eye and is attached to the side of the orbital bone. So between bony protection, fat cushioning and ligamentous support, the eye has significant protection from anything coming its way.

As we age, the hammock-like ligamentous support under the eye becomes loose causing the eye itself to fall slightly. The eye then presses on the fat and the fat is pushed forward into the lower eyelid and can become visible. That creates the fullness and puffiness of the lower eyelid.


Lower Blepharoplasty (Eye bag Surgery)

Lower blepharoplasty is a collection of different types of surgery directed at removal of fat from the lower eyelid. During this procedure, not only is the fat removed but excess skin can also be addressed as well as wrinkling of the skin. Fat can either be removed from the outside, via an incision just under the eyelashes or inside the lid which does not leave a scar. Each approach has pluses and minuses but by going inside the eyelid to remove fat, lid strength is preserved which keeps the lid in its youthful position. And when the fat is removed from the inside, the laser can be used to remove wrinkles on the lower eyelid skin itself. A consultation with a plastic surgeon can help patients figure out which lower eyelid procedure is best for them and for their special anatomy.

Choosing the Right Breast Implant Size for You

Choosing the Right Breast Implant Size for You

You have just decided to take the plunge and have a breast augmentation. There has been the back and forth deciding and listening to your friends and relatives telling you what to do but now you have finally decided. You have consulted with several good plastic surgeons but you still don’t know exactly how big you want to go or which implant is the best. Dr David Newman recommends that patients think more like a doctor when looking at breast implant alternatives. And there are two secrets that doctors know about breast implants.

Size Matters but Not Like You Think

Your Right Breast Implant Size is the Size That Will Make You Look Your Best

Plastic surgeons use volume to create shape. So when the volume of the implant is too small, there is not enough size to get to the best shape. For example, the implant needs to extend horizontally from the cleavage area to the outside of the breast in order that the cleavage will be the best it can be. If the implant is smaller than this, the cleavage will suffer. This is also true from the vertical perspective. The implant needs to have sufficient volume so that it can extend from the bottom of the breast to the upper pole or the upper part of the breast won’t be full and again, the overall shape will not be its best. These are both examples of the minimum volume required to achieve the best shape. 

But shape will suffer when the implant goes beyond a maximum volume. In other words, when the implant is too large, the shape won’t be as good as it was with a lesser size. This is mostly because the doctor has to make a larger pocket to hold the larger implant and the space required may extend beyond the natural edge of the breast tissue. When this is done, the breast starts to lose its “breast shape” and become more  “blobby”. Some patient might be willing to sacrifice some loss of shape to get to the size they wish but more often patients wish the best shape. But patients should know that there is a “best shape range of implant sizes” that will lend the best shape. There are some other issues that relate to creating a pocket that extends past the natural edge of the breast tissue. The breast tissue provides natural cover for the implant and hides the ability to feel or see edges of the implant (rippling). So when the implant goes beyond the edge of the natural breast tissue, it may be possible to feel the implant. 

Another issue relates to the support of the implant by the patient’s tissues. The implant is being supported by the pectoralis muscle which acts like an internal bra to push the implant up and that creates fullness of the upper part of the breast. We need good volume to have the implant “get to the top” of the breast to create this fullness but when the implant pocket is made too large or especially when the muscle is released at the bottom to put in a large implant, the muscle is no longer able to support the large implant and, over time, the implant that lacks support will fall and “bottom out”. This also results in loss of fullness of the upper part of the breast.  Most patients can get to their goal size wishes without having to go beyond this point. But it is interesting and helpful to discuss the fact that there is a “best size” or at least “best size range” for each patient and this is generally in the C to full C range though it can vary widely with different chest widths, different anatomy and different breast shapes. To find your best size range it is important to discuss your wishes with a plastic surgeon, both in terms of the size and the shape.  

A Plethora of Possibilities

While you are on the road to your best shape, it’s also important to know that there are several kinds of breast implants and not only one type. Breast implants can be round or tear drop shaped, have differing amounts of projection (sticking out from the chest), can be saline or silicone gel and even are offered with differing thicknesses of gel. This reveals something very important: there is no one best implant but rather different implants that each have pluses and minuses. Each patient must weigh the benefits of these different implants as they relate to their goals and go through the process of this decision. It’s a very enjoyable process to go through and find what is best for you! So don’t let anything hold you back.

Tummy Tuck Cost

Tummy Tuck Cost

In patients that are good candidates for a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) can drastically improve the look of the abdomen.. It not only can flatten the front and sides of the abdomen but can also restore pre-pregnancy aesthetics and streamlines the bodyAfter a tummy tuck patients can find it easier to work out and also feel they better “fit in” with other younger patients at the gym. 

Costs for tummy tuck depend on the fee of the surgeon, the place the surgery is being performed and the type of surgery necessary. Anesthesia may also be a factor but most tummy tucks are performed under general anesthesia to make this procedure safe and to get the best cosmetic result. 

The commonest type of tummy tuck is referred to as a “standard tummy tuck (standard abdominoplasty). The average patient that has this kind of tummy tuck has had children and has a prominence where the front of the abdomen protrudes and this is usually from the top to the bottom of the tummy. These patients also have skin excess where the skin of the abdomen is loose or folded, especially over its lower part and the skin can hang down over the pubic bone. There may also be skin excess within the upper part of the abdomen. 

Tummy tuck prices are generally the same with a certain geographic area but may vary depending on any additional procedures added to the tummy tuck, such as liposuction of other areas. Tummy tuck near Temecula, CA may be similar around the Temecula area but be less than costs in Beverly Hills, though the same operation is performed and with the same attention to detail and cosmetic result. That is why it behooves patients to shop around and even have procedures out of their residential area should the cost be significantly lower. Some plastic surgeons have packages they offer that include not only the procedure itself but short term lodging near their surgery center both to make surgery safer and more convenient for their patients. 

Mini May Be Better

Some patients may not need to have their entire abdomen treated and have a lesser procedure and these are often referred to as mini-tummy tucks. There are many variations of a mini-tummy tuck but they share in common the fact that they take less time to complete and therefore cost less than a standard tummy tuck. (By the way, most patients refer to a standard tummy tuck as a “full tummy tuck“). Sometimes mini tummy tucks are performed with liposuction as part of the treatment of the front of the tummy and liposuction surgery is much faster than any kind of tummy tuck. The decision to have a specific type of tummy tuck or liposuction is based on the patient’s anatomy and their goals for the treatment. But the tummy is an area where, often, the recommendation of the plastic surgeon is most important to consider, regardless of the price. 

The Dreaded Scar

Not to diminish the fact that a tummy tuck means that there will be a scar about the lower abdomen, patients often focus on the scar but don’t weigh the scar against the improvement they will gain with a tummy tuck because that is the reason the patient is in the doctor’s office in the first place! Patients must consider how badly they wish a tummy tuck versus how bad the scar might be ultimately. And there are things that can be done to treat scars. 

An experienced plastic surgeon can really help patient understand which procedure may be best for them and to give a reasonable expectation about the safety of the surgery and their cosmetic result.