Gummy Bear Implants
Studies have long shown that breast augmentation surgery is very gratifying for women seeking to not only enhance their size but also improve their shape. Breast shape can be lost as the result of pregnancy and breast feeding. Some patients may feel that they never had the shape they wished from the start. In either case, breast implant surgery can help patients with size and form.
Over the long term, changes to the structure and content of breast implants has changed very little. Both saline (water filled) and silicone gel breast implants (gel) have been used since the early fifties and both have been successful over the years. Both implants have been studied thoroughly and have been found to be safe and effective for both cosmetic surgery and for use in reconstructive surgery.
Breast shaped implants went through their “vogue”, as well as textured surfaced implants but these are not seen that much anymore. When gel implants began to be used again in 2007, there was a surge in their use but it may be surprising to hear that saline breast implants are still the most common implants used in the United States. Some cosmetic surgeons perform breast augmentation fat transfer but this technique has been shown not to be reliable or effective.
Breast Augmentation with Gummy Bear Implants
About ten years ago, the two major breast implant manufacturers, Mentor and Allergan, received approval from the FDA to market gummy bear implants. In the medical arena, they are called “cohesive gel implants”. They have a denser, more firm feel and the manufacturers state that since the implants are more firm, they have less chance for rippling and the upper part of the breast is more full after the procedure.
How Do Gummy Bear Implants Work
The reason gummy bear implants are more firm is that the molecules of gel are longer. And since they are longer, they can rub and “catch” each other and thus, are more firm and resistant to motion.
Gummy Bear Implants Near Me
This is a common search for patients looking to have their breast augmentation near them. It is very good to have your breast augmentation at a surgery center and also for the doctor to be nearby after the surgery. Complications from breast augmentation are quite uncommon but you always want to have help close by or should you have a question about your surgery or have any concerns, the doctor can be close by to make it easy for you to go in for an appointment to see the doctor.
Gummy Bear Implants Recall
The only breast implants that have been recalled by the FDA are those with a textured surface. A very rare cancer, called “Breast Implant Associated Lymphoma” or BIAL has been associated with any textured implant and so they have been taken off the market. There have been under one thousand cases of BIAL to date, and more than twenty million patients have breast implants. Smooth surfaced gummy bear implants as well as all the other gel implants and saline implants are still approved by the FDA.
Gummy Bear Implants Problems
The implants have been proven to be safe by the FDA and are safe for patients. Patients should feel them at consultation and compare the feel of them to the other silicone gel implants to see if they like them.