Brow Lift Before and After Photos

Brow Lift 6
Brow Lift 6 Frown Line Removal with Brow Lift During the different types of brow lifts, the vertical frown lines between the eyebrows are treated by removing the corrugator muscles. These small muscles pull the brows together and with their removal the wrinkles are...

Brow Lift 15
Brow Lift 15 The patient is a 35 year old who noted that her brows had always been low and mentioned that people thought she appeared angry. She wanted a brow lift surgery to change that. The patient was very pleased with her eyebrow lift procedure. Brow Lift Before...

Brow Lift 14
Brow Lift 14 The patient is a 52 year old woman who noted that her brows had fallen recently. She also noticed horizontal wrinkles of the forehead, in the Crow’s Foot areas and between the eyebrows. Eyebrow Lift Surgery The patient had a brow lift and was pleased with...

Brow Lift 1
Brow Lift 1 The patient is a 66 year old woman who noted that her family told he she looked angry all the time. She felt it was because her brows were low and sought consultation to have a brow lift. Browlifts are really facelifts of the upper portion of the face....

Brow Lift 2
Brow Lift 2 The patient is a 42 year old woman who felt that her eyebrows were pushing down on her eyes and that bothered her. She also noted that she looked angry when she looked at herself in the mirror when applying make up. She felt she had a high hairline and...

Brow Lift 3
Brow Lift 3 This patient is a 62 year old woman who felt she had drooping of her brows and she didn’t like their shape either. She thought her brow shape made her look unusual and thought others thought she looked angry. She had a hair line brow lift and was very...

Brow Lift 5
Brow Lift 5 The patient is an 82 year old woman who complained of difficulty seeing from excess upper eyelid skin hanging over her eye. She thought it was the excess skin that required removal. On examination, the brows were in a very low position and when manually...

Brow Lift 4
Brow Lift 4 The patient is a 54 year old man who complained of difficulty with his vision, especially in the afternoon and evening. He sought plastic surgery consultation because he thought the reason was that his eyelids were getting in the way of his vision. At...

Brow Lift 7
Brow Lift 7

Brow Lift 8
Brow Lift 8 The patient is a 42 year old nurse who felt she looked sad and wanted to explore doing a brow lift. She said she could also feel her brow pressing down onto her upper lid. She also noted deep wrinkles between her eyebrows and horizontal wrinkles across her...

Brow Lift 9
Brow Lift 9

Brow Lift 10
Brow Lift 10 The patient is a 65 year old woman who noted that others thought she looked startled and she thought a brow lift might help her. After the brow lift she noticed that her “look” was calmer. The Irony It’s quite ironic that most people think that brow lifts...

Brow Lift 12
Brow Lift 12

Brow Lift 13
Brow Lift 13 The patient is a 58 year old woman who noted that people thought she looked angry at them and she felt her brows were very low. She thought that her low brows also made her appear much older than she was. She also didn’t like the furrows of her forehead...