Before and After Facelift Facelift Photos

Facelift 33
Facelift 33

Facelift 32
Facelift 32 Face Lift/Neck Lift The patient is a 66 year old woman who noted the overall loosening of the skin of her face and neck over the past five years. She was especially bothered by the excess skin about the side of the mouth (jowling) and the looseness of the...

Facelift 31
Facelift 31 The patient is a 68 year old woman who noted laxity of the lower half of her face. The looseness was especially prominent about the jowls and neck line. She also noted two vertical bands in her neck that ran from the jaw-line down to the chest. She wanted...

Facelift 24
Facelift 24 The patient is a 75 year old woman who noted that her jowls (areas just outside the corners of the mouth) were drooping and she wanted to have a smooth jaw line. She also wanted improvement in the skin folding within the jowl area and over the cheek. Her...

Facelift 23
Facelift 23 The patient is a 57 year old woman who noted that she looked much older than her real age. She noted that all of her facial skin seemed to fall recently and she didn’t like the folding over her cheeks, chin and neck. On examining the patient, she had upper...

Facelift 22
Facelift 22

Facelift 21
Facelift 21 The patient is a 64 year old woman who noted joweling and neck fullness and looseness and described her neck as a “turkey neck”, a phrase commonly used by patients to describe the looseness of skin and accumulation of fat that can occur with the aging...

Facelift 20
Facelift 20

Facelift 19
Facelift 19 The patient is a 76 year old woman noted some relapse of drooping recently after having had a face lift 25 years ago. She also wanted to improve on the scars she could feel from her previous cosmetic surgery and wanted to have the drooping cheek lifted...

Facelift 18
Facelift 18 The patient is a 52 year old woman who thought she had lost definition over her face, that her chin was falling back and that she had lost definition over the jaw line. The patient also wanted to have improvement in the lower eyelid area with removal of...

Facelift 17
Facelift 17 The patient is a 67 year old woman who felt that her cheeks had fallen along with her neck and more wrinkles had recently appeared around her mouth and eyelids. She said that her face looked “sad” and wished facial plastic surgery to correct the drooping...

Facelift 16
Facelift 16 The patient is a 42 year old woman who wanted facial plastic surgery to “clean up” some looseness around the neck and jowl and she noticed that the skin folding of the neck and jowl areas were extending upward and into the area adjacent to the corner of...

Facelift 15
Facelift 15 The patient is a 57 year old woman who sought facial plastic surgery consultation because she felt she was looking more and more like her grandmother and wanted to repair the loose and sagging skin that she noticed had just recently occurred. She wanted...

Facelift 14
Facelift 14 The patient is a 78 year old woman who wanted facial plastic surgery to help her better interact with her relatives and friends. She reported that her grandchildren told her that she looked old and that bothered her to the point that she decided to do...

Facelift 13
Facelift 13 The patient is a 66 year old woman who wished to have facial plastic surgery. It was very important to her that her results be natural and even. Her plastic surgery treatment included a face lift with a neck lift, a brow lift and laser treatment for...

Facelift 12
Facelift 12 The patient is a 67 year old woman who came to her consultation and noted that her face seemed to have "deflated" and was sagging and she wanted to have facial plastic surgery including a face lift with a neck lift and laser treatment for wrinkles. She had...

Facelift 11
Facelift 11 The patient is a 66 year old woman who was very active in her community and felt that her facial appearance did not match her energy level or her feeling that she was young “on the inside.” She simply wanted to have a face lift to restore her youthful...

Facelift 10
Facelift 10 The patient is a 64 year old woman who felt that her face was falling and did so recently. As an operating room nurse, she knew that she needed a face lift to achieve her goals of reducing skin laxity and folding and she also felt hat her eye brows were...

Facelift 7
Facelift 7 The patient is a 42 year old woman who noted that her face seems to have recently fallen and she felt that she looked a lot older than her stated age. She also felt that she looked sad. She complained of hooding of the upper eyelids but didn’t want to have...

Facelift 6
Facelift 6 The patient is a 68 year old man who noted that he felt that he looked old and wanted to look younger He thought his skin was loose and drooping, especially in the jowl and neck areas and he thought he had folding extra skin of the upper eyelids with fat...

Facelift 4
Facelift 4 The patient is a 67 year old woman who didn’t like the fullness of her neck and felt that her face and neck had no separation. On examination the patient had a neck that was prominent and her chin did not have good projection. At her procedure which was...

Facelift 3
Facelift 3 The patient is a 47 year old woman who saw loose skin in the jowl area that seemed to move downward into her neck and also of a deep marionette line in front of her jowl. She had tried fillers for the marionette lines but she wanted a longer lasting...

Facelift 2
Facelift 2 The patient is a 54 year old woman who reported that her face had just recently “fallen” and she also didn’t like the fold at the corner of her mouth which reminded her of her grandmother. She wanted to have improvement in these areas but she wanted to have...

Facelift 1
Facelift 1 The patient is a 42 year old woman who felt that her face was “going right into my neck”. She thought that this made her look older and with less facial definition. At her surgery, a mini-face lift was performed through hidden incisions in front of the ear...
Facelift Temecula
Our face is the most iconic and elusively beautiful form in the world and its description has defied the works of sculptors and artists since the beginning of civilization. That we feel it is most beautiful could be explained by the fact that it is the first thing we see when we come into the world. The face is not only a thing of beauty but is the center point through which we receive and send information with others. And our faces tell we are different from others but in many ways alike.
So there are elements all faces have in common and facial plastic surgery attempts to define these commonalities and to recreate them as the aging process takes its toll on the youthful facial form. This task might seem difficult but the elements of beauty still rest within the face. Modern day face lift techniques return loose skin and tissues to their original position and in doing so reignite the already present beauty and original character within the face.
There are changes to the face that we identify as signs of the aging process such as wrinkles but the loosening of skin and soft tissues of the neck can exist even in youth. Over time, laxity can worsen and we then gaze into the mirror and come to not recognize ourselves but rather another person, perhaps an older relative and we then decide it’s time to take steps and do something about it.
Facelift surgery not only restores tissues to their natural and youthful position but also helps restore proportion between the facial elements and helps to bring harmony to the parts of the face. Face lifts restore definition and create separation from the neck. Facelifts can even affect the scale (size) of the face and as we look to reestablish beauty of the facial form, the whole of these themes become important. These ideas are explained more deeply as one proceeds through the gallery and looks at facelift surgery before and after photos. Please enjoy them.