Abdominoplasty 01
The patient is a 42 year old mother of three who noted that her stomach was too large for her body and it didn’t seem to “go” with the rest of her body which was slim. She had tried different types of gym activities including different cardio activities and core exercises including sit-ups, planks and the use of weights, all of which were of no benefit in terms of flattening of her stomach. She underwent a standard abdominoplasty, otherwise known as a tummy tuck and she also had suction of the hips. The patient notes that her abdomen was completely flattened by the abdominoplasty and that her stomach now goes with the rest of her body. She said that she can now see some of the sculpting lines of her abdomen that define her muscles and give her a great shape. This is a good example of Dr Newman’s work with Tummy Tuck before and after photos.