Breast Augmentation and Lift 9
The patient is a 32 year old woman who complained of her breast being to low on her chest that gave her a matronly appearance. She also noted loss of fullness in the upper part of her breasts and wanted to know if a lift can give fullness there. She underwent breast augmentation with a 375 cc. saline breast implant and had a standard breast lift at the same time. She was ecstatic with the improvement in her breast shape with the movement of her breast back into the youthful position on her chest. She especially loved the upper pole fullness afforded by the surgery.
Breast lifts help to raise tissue to a higher level but they generally don’t fill the upper pole of the breast. An implant is necessary to fill the breast’s upper portion. Nowadays, patients want to have youthful appearing breasts and that means not only filling the breast to restore lost volume and raising the lower breast to a natural position but also filling the upper pole to create youth.