Breast Augmentation 51 Facing Left
Breast Augmentation 51 Facing Left
Breast Augmentation 51 Facing Left

Breast Augmentation 1

The patient is a 35 year old who wished breast augmentation with silicone gel breast implants. She was quite active, sports wise and noted that since she had a slender and muscular physique, a breast enlargement might give her a more feminine form. The patient wanted to have a size that created the best shape but not so large that would make working out more difficult.

Breast Implant Surgery

At the patient’s procedure which was performed comfortably under general anesthesia and 375 cc. silicone gel implants were placed. The implant profile was moderate plus. She did well postoperatively and was back to her usual daily activities after five days. She was back to jogging and the elliptical at three weeks and running and arm weights at six weeks. She was very happy with the size she chose and with the final appearance of her breast.

Breast Augmentation Recovery

Recovery from Breast Augmentation surgery is relatively quick, considering the scope of the procedure and the fact that the implant is placed under the pectoralis muscle (pec muscle). When the implant is placed under this muscle, the muscle gets stretched and that causes the muscle to contract. This constant contraction of the muscle leads to discomfort which is most prominent the day of surgery and decreases over the next three to four days. Patients are instructed to avoid lifting and doing repetitive arm movements for about 6 days. Patients can resume exercise in a graded fashion but really can’t do repetitive exercises or weights with the arms or core exercise for six weeks after their procedure.

Breast Augmentation Financing

Financing for breast augmentation and cosmetic surgery, in general is readily and easily available. Rates vary depending on the credit score and the amount of the money that is lent to the patient. The most popular loan company for cosmetic surgery is care credit.

“Breast Augmentation Surgery Near Me”

This is a very common search phrase when seeking a plastic surgeon. Patients understand that it is important for them to have their procedure at a Center near their home for multiple reasons. Complications from breast augmentation are rare but just in case, it is great to be close to the Doctor so you can come in to be evaluated, even if you are simply concerned in any way. It is also great to not have to travel so far to and from your procedure, just for comfort.