Breast Augmentation 51 Facing Left
Breast Augmentation 51 Facing Left

Breast Augmentation 31

The patient is a 29 year old woman who noted small breasts and wanted to be still small breasted but with an improvement in the roundness and fullness of her breasts. At her procedure, a space was made under the pectoralis (pec) muscle and under the breast and a temporary sizing implant was used to fill the space created to measure the optimum volume required to fill the space and get the best breast shape, which was 180 cc. Since the patient wanted smooth silicone implants, a 180 cc. smooth surfaced silicone gel implant was placed.

The patient did well postoperatively and returned to work at five days. She was very elated at her cosmetic result and achieved her goals of significantly improving her shape without going to large on the volume.