Before and After Rhinoplasty Facing Right

Brow Lift 3

This patient is a 62 year old woman who felt she had drooping of her brows and she didn’t like their shape either. She thought her brow shape made her look unusual and thought others thought she looked angry. She had a hair line brow lift and was very happy about her new eye brow shape after the procedure. A brow lift is done by making an incision in the upper forehead, either at the edge of the hairline or further upward in the scalp. A space is made under the skin downward towards the eyebrow and the brow tissue is released to allow it to be moved upward. It’s really a facelift of the forehead area. The excess skin at the top of the forehead or within the scalp is removed and at this time, a decision can be made on how to sculpt the position of each part of the brow. Should the inner part of the brow need more lifting that the outside, the inner forehead tissue can be lifted to a greater extent than the out part. In this fashion, the brow can be raised and the optimum brow shape can be crafted. This patient loved the new contour of her brow and its new position. The most important thing about the brow is probably not the level but its shape and that some shapes don’t harmonize with the rest of the face and can bring unnecessary attention to the eyebrows.