Before and After Rhinoplasty Facing Right

Brow Lift 13

The patient is a 58 year old woman who noted that people thought she looked angry at them and she felt her brows were very low. She thought that her low brows also made her appear much older than she was. She also didn’t like the furrows of her forehead and thought they were very deep. She thought she had a high hairline and didn’t want that to be higher or lower. The patient also noted generalized facial laxity with cheek laxity, joweling and skin laxity of her neck with banding and so the patient had a hairline browlift and a facelift with neck lift at the same time. She was very gratified with her results after surgery and noted that her brow was in good position and that she could more easily see her blue eyes. She thought the increased distance between the eyelid and her brow that was created by the brow lift looked natural and youthful and also thought that the new brow level and the smoothness of her forehead “went” with her facelift changes and all resulted in a harmonious and even result.

When patients have folding of the skin of the forehead, a brow lift is the best alternative to smooth out folds and can even diminish wrinkles caused by years of raising droopy eyebrows. Sun damage, pollution and genetics all play their part in causing skin damage and laxity. Today’s brow lift techniques focus on returning the brow to its natural position but also in preserving muscle function. The face that is in active motion is also beautiful and youthful and so this emphasis on retaining the active beautiful motion of the brow and face is as important as the creation of youth when the face is in repose.

When brows are in a very low position, they can partially obstruct a patient’s vision. Likewise, when the brow is very low it might be hard for others to see our eyes and our eyes are often our best and most beautiful facial feature. We use our eyes to pick up information about our surroundings and we also use them to receive and communicate with others. So when our brows are covering up our eyes, a brow lift can lend both cosmetic and functional improvement.