Brow Lift 15
The patient is a 35 year old who noted that her brows had always been low and mentioned that people thought she appeared angry. She wanted a brow lift surgery to change that. The patient was very pleased with her eyebrow lift procedure.
Brow Lift Before and After
As can be seen from the patient’s before and after photos, there was significant improvement in her appearance. The post op picture was taken two years after surgery and demonstrates long term stability of the cosmetic result.
Brow Lift Cost
Brow Lifts are really face lifts of the upper part of the face and are usually done with patients under general anesthesia. So the cost is in the intermediate range. Brow lift surgery is more expensive than eyelid surgery but usually not that much more.
Brow Lift Botox
Botox cosmetic can be used to mimic the results of a brow lift. Botox can be placed beneath the brow and can raise the brow. Potential downsides of using Botox with this method are that the shape of the brow can be affected and the amount of lifting can vary and be less effective in older patients or patients with thick brow skin.
Botox cosmetic can also be used to diminish Crows Foot wrinkles and to diminish the furrowing wrinkles between the eyebrows.
The Bottom Line
For younger patients who have brows in good position and minimal drooping, Botox is a quick fix that is nonsurgical. Botox can be used to elevate the brow and to diminish wrinkles about the eyes and forehead. For patients with significant drooping of the brow who also have wrinkling and skin excess of the upper eyelids, Brow Lift Surgery may provide significant improvement.