Brow Lift 8
The patient is a 42 year old nurse who felt she looked sad and wanted to explore doing a brow lift. She said she could also feel her brow pressing down onto her upper lid. She also noted deep wrinkles between her eyebrows and horizontal wrinkles across her forehead and both of these areas seemed to develop wrinkles when she moved her face. The patient also noted some looseness over the area outside her eyes and towards the hairline in the Crow’s foot area. She felt that her hairline was relatively high and so it was decided to perform a hair line brow lift. The patient was very happy with her cosmetic result and with her quick return to work. She felt that she looked less sad and that her brows had a better shape. The patient also liked that most of the wrinkles around her eyes were now gone.
What is a Hair Line Brow Lift?
During a hair line brow lift, an incision is made at the edge of the hairline so that it is difficult to see the scar after surgery. The corrugator muscle, which is the muscle that creates wrinkling and folding between the eyebrows is removed. The skin is lifted and so the brows are raised. Some skin is removed in the upper forehead and small stitches are placed closing the skin of the forehead to the hairline and therefore the hair line is not moved at all.
Hair line browlifts are a good alternative when the brows are low, there is excess skin present within the upper eyelid and when the hairline is normal to high. Other kinds of brow lifts can significantly raise the hairline level. Another reason to have a brow lift over other kinds of lifting is that the approach is closer to the brow and so it can better and more permanently lift the brow.
Brow Lifts Create Beauty and Harmony
As can be seen from these brow lift before and after photos, the brow has been lifted and also reshaped with a pleasing arch. The space between the upper lid and brow has been expanded and this achieves several goals. One is that the new space creates depth that brings the eye into a more prominent position and so the beauty of the eye can be seen more directly. One can also see the upper lid now and the fold of skin or “hood” of the upper lid had been removed by simply raising the brow. Seeing the upper lid also creates beauty but also creates a look of youth.
Upper eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty can help remove the hood directly but this skin removal simply does not create the beauty afforded by a brow lift when the brow is creating the excess skin. Upper eyelid skin removal also causes the brow to come down further and decreases the distance between the lid and brow.
Faces and Spaces
Brow lifts most lend beauty to the face by creating spaces in the upper face that become more proportionate with the spaces within the lower face. One can see that by looking at all of the before and after photos because this improvement is afforded all patient who have a brow lift. By creating proportion of the entire face, harmony and evenness results.