Before and After Rhinoplasty Facing Right

Eyelid Surgery 15

The patient is a 52 year old woman who noted that she had wrinkling of her lower eyelid and that she couldn’t see her upper eyelid fold when she put on make up. At her procedure, upper blepharoplasty (upper eyelid surgery) was performed with laser treatment for her lower eyelids. After her surgery she was very happy about her new look. She had a sharp and youthful upper eyelid fold that made it much easier to apply make up and helped so that she didn’t have to put make up as often because the skin was no longer rubbing. The patient was also elated by the removal of most of her wrinkles and thought that made her look much younger as this was the only place she had wrinkles on her face.

Skin removal in the patient’s upper lid also helped to increase the apparent distance between her lid and brow with a resultant improvement in the definition of her facial features.