Facelift 16
The patient is a 42 year old woman who wanted facial plastic surgery to “clean up” some looseness around the neck and jowl and she noticed that the skin folding of the neck and jowl areas were extending upward and into the area adjacent to the corner of her mouth. She also felt that he brow was low and didn’t “go” with the rest of her face.
At the patient’s procedure which was done safely and comfortably under general anesthesia, a face lift with a neck lift was performed and a hairline brow lift was also done taking care to keep the hairline at the same level because the patient had a relatively high hairline preoperatively. A hairline brow lift approach uses a hidden incision at the edge of the hairline where the forehead meets the hair bearing scalp. The corrugator muscle is also removed to smooth the folded skin between the brows but all of the muscle function of the forehead is retained to provide for a natural and functional result after treatment. Lifting the brows restores facial proportion because, in this case, the surgery increases the space between the lash line and the brow and decreases the space between the brow and the hairline. These changes also improve the proportion between the forehead and the rest of the face to achieve total facial harmony. Brow lifts further define the upper lid area and from the side view it appears that the lid margin and the globe themselves are more crisp and young appearing.
Facial proportions improves when one is looking at the front views of the facelift surgery before and after photos but one can also see from the side views that not only is proportion improved but the chin and other bony features appear to project more and that gives the facial form a more youthful and vibrant look. The neck appears narrower but more solid and youthful appearing.