Facelift 23
The patient is a 57 year old woman who noted that she looked much older than her real age. She noted that all of her facial skin seemed to fall recently and she didn’t like the folding over her cheeks, chin and neck. On examining the patient, she had upper eyelid skin excess and some crowding of the space between her upper lid and brow. The most skin folding was over the lower cheek, just outside the edge of the lips. The patient’s procedure included a face lift and neck lift, a brow lift and laser treatment for wrinkles around the mouth. The patient was very active in sports and wanted an early return to her activities. She was walking outside the next morning and extended her walking over time and was back to full activities at three weeks. She was most gratified by the smoothness over cheeks, jowl area and neck.
Face lifts smooth folds and wrinkles and restore the face to its normal position. In doing so, they create smoothness, proportion and harmony and therefore a sense of youth and vitality. Very significant improvement happens with facelifting and, because a face lift provides for even lifting, strong pulls can be used that are also long lasting and look natural. A picture says a thousand words…
This patient also had a brow lift which gave some separation between her eyelid and brow, restoring facial proportion Laser skin treatment for wrinkles was also used to smooth out the wrinkles about the patient’s mouth. The natural lifting of the facelift lifts the cheeks and jowl but these pulls don’t extend into the mouth area and so facelift pulls can be strong and not affect the mouth area. But because the face lift doesn’t affect the mouth, we need another tool to remove wrinkles which is the laser. Laser treatment for wrinkles can remove most of the wrinkles of the mouth so improvements can be made in all areas evenly and reinforce the notion that facial rejuvenation creates harmony and evenness. In this fashion patients can appear more youthful without any telltale signs of having had any “work” done.