Laser Skin Resurfacing 15

The patient is a 62 year old woman who noted that she had jowling and neck laxity as well as wrinkling of the entire face, but just wanted to have improvement in the deep wrinkles about her mouth. She thought those wrinkles made her appear especially old and wanted to remove them.

She was very happy with the results of her treatment which removed nearly all of the wrinkles within the treated area.

Treating Part Versus the Whole

Some patients may only wish to have a part of the face treated for reasons of convenience or simply that the other parts of the face don’t seem to bother them. It’s therefore possible to only treat the part of the face that is bothering a patient. That only a part of the face can be treated without anyone seeing that other parts have not been treated can be explained by the fact that people age differently. Therefore, no one seems to notice if only a part of the face has been treated.

How Long Do Laser treatments Last?

It has been observed by patients and facial plastic surgeons alike that one laser treatment for facial wrinkles can last many years. Generally, the deeper the wrinkles, the longer the treatment may last. In fact, treatment of deep wrinkles can last throughout a patient’s life time. Other factors that may affect longevity of the cosmetic result include muscle activity of the underlying muscles, genetics, skin tone and the degree to which patients want to have wrinkle free skin.

How Do You Get Rid of Crepey Skin Naturally?

Some patients feel that home remedies can improve on wrinkled and crepey skin. Some of those remedies include facial exercises, the application of masks, reducing stress, and doing exfoliations with the application of moisturizers. The jury is still out on these treatments as there is no scientific evidence to support any of these treatments. But men generally don’t get wrinkles over their cheeks, chin and neck and these are the areas which are constantly shaved. That would seem to imply that exfoliation might help prevent wrinkles and/or crepey skin but again, there is no direct evidence or proof that would be called scientific evidence.

What is the best treatment for wrinkles on the face?

The best treatment is really prevention of wrinkles and the best prevention means no sun exposure. It’s very important for women with all skin tones to protect their beautiful skin from the effects of sunlight because UV rays can cause collagen damage and even affect DNA itself, the genetic material responsible for skin healing and regeneration.

When wrinkles begin to appear and can only be seen with the patient squinching the eyes closed or with pursing of the mouth, Botox offers the best way to alleviate skin wrinkling. Botox works by paralyzing the muscles responsible for wrinkling and since the portions of these muscles that cause wrinkles are not necessary to function, can be paralyzed with significant decrease in wrinkling.

Once the wrinkles are present without squinching the eyes closed or pursing the lips, Botox will not be able to remove them but may provide partial improvement and help to keep the wrinkles from getting worse. These wrinkles that are more permanent may require laser treatment for their removal or, in some places facelifting or brow lifting may be required.