Neck Lift 2

Patients request a neck lift when they notice the skin of their neck has become loose or hangs down. This can be bothersome because not only is the skin looser but moves back and forth as a constant reminder. Some may also notice that neck has become fuller and say they have a “turkey neck”. What can be done about this issue?

Neck lifts can provide good improvement in selected patients and that’s why it is a good idea to seek consult with a plastic surgeon experienced in facial plastic surgery. At your consultation, the Doctor can evaluate the problem and help you decide on whether a neck lift is good for you. Generally, patients who are good patients for neck lifts have loose skin of the neck but no jowling.

Neck lift incisions are hard to find after surgery because they involve inconspicuous incisions under the chin and behind the ears and into the hairline behind the ears. The neck lift procedure itself involves making a pocket under the skin of the neck where excess fat is removed and the superficial muscles of the neck are sculpted. Excess skin is tightened and removed behind the ears. Neck lift recovery is about one week but after the patient is seen the morning after surgery, they are instructed to walk outside.

What is the best procedure for a neck lift?
When patients don’t really have muck facial laxity, a neck lift can offer good improvement in the neck.

How Much Does a Neck Lift Cost?
Prices vary for neck lifts because plastic surgeons use differing techniques. Some procedures are shorter in duration and some longer and these procedures require differing types of anesthesia for patient comfort and to ensure the completeness of the procedure.