Rhinoplasty 14
This patient felt that her nose didn’t harmonize with her face and was too prominent. On examination, she had a relatively short nose (vertical length) and tip that was prominent but slightly upturned. The plan was to recess and refine the tip without shortening the nose or rotating the tip upwards.
Cosmetic Results
The patient had a closed rhinoplasty where the bump on the bridge was smoothed so the tip cold appear to take off from the smooth upper portion and appear to have better projection. This not only made the nose smaller in its upper part but created a separation of the bridge and the tip to give each part its own character.
Nasal Tip-Lip Angle
This angle pertains to how upwardly rotated the tip is as compared with the vertical lip beneath the tip. The more upwardly rotated the tip is, in general, the more the nostrils can be seen and the shorter the bridge becomes. This patient already had a pleasing tip angle to the lip and so every attempt was made to keep it the same, while at the same time refining the tip and not shortening the length of the nose to retain that beautiful part of the nose.
Nasal Tip Refinement During “Nose Jobs”
Many patients complain of a nasal tip that is too large, round and not well defined. Rhinoplasty can address these issues. The tip can be narrowed and still retain the support required to preserve nostril support and air passage through the nose. Not only can the tip be narrowed but also refined in the vertical direction. As support is retained, pinching of the tip can be avoided and that keeps the tip beautiful and with a good shape. Narrowing the tip can helps the wider tip better relate to the upper parts of the nose.