Rhinoplasty 22
This patient in her mid-twenties came for facial plastic surgery consultation because she thought her nose was too prominent for her face and she complained of the “bump” on her nasal bridge. She wanted her new nose to go with her face and to be less prominent.
Facial Analysis
The patient has a relatively wider face with prominent features whose width are in good harmony with the width of the face on the frontal view. When comparing the height of the nose from the front view and comparing it to the height of the rest of the face, the nose is relatively short and the nose is already upturned. There is already pleasing nostril show but any more might be unwarranted. There is a prominent dorsal hump (bump) on the bridge of the nose. As one moves downward from the bridge to the tip on side view, it seems that the area above the tip is more prominent than the actual tip itself.
Plan for Surgery
The plan was to take down the bump on the bridge and to also reduce the fullness of the part of the bridge that was above the tip to make the tip more prominent without changing the nature of the tip. By working away from the tip, the projection and rotation of the tip could remain unchanged, thus avoiding any unnecessary upward rotation or shortening of the nose.
Cosmetic Results
The patient was very happy with the results of her rhinoplasty and felt that her new nasal shape went with her facial features. As can be seen from the frontal view, her larger facial features, eyes and lips are now more prominent now that the nose is less prominent but that the nose has not been shortened at all nor has the tip been moved, with the exception of some tip refinement (domal narrowing).
Now that the bump is gone, one can see the paired nasal bridge lines on the frontal view that proceed downward from the inner brow to the tip of the nose. Even thought the bridge has been slightly narrowed, its width still harmonizes with the relatively broader face and the width of the upper part of the nose also goes with the width of the tip.
Rhinoplasty Cost
A note on rhinoplasty cost. Rhinoplasty is a relatively small procedure and the operating time is relatively short as compared to other cosmetic surgeries. This results in a lower cost for “nose jobs” than with most other cosmetic and facial plastic surgeries.