Breast Augmentation Before and After Photos

Breast Augmentation 57
Breast Augmentation 57

Breast Augmentation 58
Breast Augmentation 58

Breast Augmentation 55
Breast Augmentation 55

Breast Augmentation 56
Breast Augmentation 56 The patient is a 35-year-old woman who noticed the loss of fullness in the upper part of her breast with childbirth. She felt that her breasts were also too narrow and that she didn’t have cleavage or fullness on the outside of the breast. The...

Breast Augmentation 59
Breast Augmentation 59 Breast Augmentation Surgery is often performed in slender patients because they are often small breasted. And after childbirth and breast feeding, breast size further diminishes. Patients seek consultation for augmentation because they want to...

Breast Augmentation 2
Breast Augmentation 2 The patient is a 35 year old who wished breast augmentation with silicone gel breast implants. She was quite active, sports wise and noted that since she had a slender and muscular physique, a breast enlargement might give her a more feminine...

Breast Augmentation 1
Breast Augmentation 1 The patient is a 35 year old who wished breast augmentation with silicone gel breast implants. She was quite active, sports wise and noted that since she had a slender and muscular physique, a breast enlargement might give her a more feminine...

Breast Augmentation 36
Breast Augmentation 36 The patient is a 36 year old woman who noted loss of tone and fullness of her beasts after pregnancy. She wished breast augmentation with silicone gel implants to get a better shape for her breasts. At her initial consultation she tried on...

Breast Augmentation 37
Breast Augmentation 37 The patient is a 32 year old woman who simply wished larger breasts and wanted silicone gel implants. She was an A and wanted to be a B plus because of her small frame and not wanting to look too obvious. She tried different volumes on at her...

Breast Augmentation 39
Breast Augmentation 39 The patient is a 24 year old woman who wished larger breasts but more upper pole fullness and upper volume and liked the roundness created by round breast implants. Her preoperative breast size was a large A and she wanted to have a C size...

Breast Augmentation 52
Breast Augmentation 52 The patient is a 31 year old woman who wished breast augmentation with saline implants. She stated she was a small B and wanted to increase her size to a C but wanted more fullness in the upper pole of the breast. At surgery, a 310 cc. implant...

Breast Augmentation 31
Breast Augmentation 31 The patient is a 29 year old woman who noted small breasts and wanted to be still small breasted but with an improvement in the roundness and fullness of her breasts. At her procedure, a space was made under the pectoralis (pec) muscle and under...

Breast Augmentation 43
Breast Augmentation 43 The patient is a 29 year old woman who wished breast augmentation with gel implants. She like the roundness imparted by breast implants, wanted to improve on the symmetry of her breasts and to be a small D to D size overall. The patient examined...

Breast Augmentation 53
Breast Augmentation 53

Breast Augmentation 4
Breast Augmentation 4 The patient is a 34 year old woman who wished breast augmentation with silicone breast implants. She was a small A cup and wanted to be a mid-C cup size. She had tried on differing implant sizes at her consultation and like the shape and size of...

Breast Augmentation 10
Breast Augmentation 10 The patient is a 34 year old woman who wished breast augmentation with silicone gel implants. She complained that her breasts were very small and she had lost all of her volume from childbearing/breastfeeding. She was especially bothered by the...

Breast Augmentation 20
Breast Augmentation 20 The patient is a 24 year old woman who wished to be slightly larger with breast augmentation using silicone gel breast implants. Se liked the smaller sizes at consultation and wanted to be one cup larger. At surgery the patient had 220 cc....

Breast Augmentation 35
Breast Augmentation 35 The patient is a 34 year old woman who noted the small size of her breasts and wished to go from an A to a C cup size. She was interested in 375 cc. saline implants. The morning of surgery the size was confirmed by the patient and the patient...

Breast Augmentation 42
Breast Augmentation 42 The patient is a 26 year old woman who wished saline breast implant. She was an A cup and wished to be slightly larger at a B cup because of her small frame and she didn’t want others to easily notice she had breast augmentation surgery. The...

Breast Augmentation 46
Breast Augmentation 46

Breast Augmentation 48
Breast Augmentation 48

Breast Augmentation 51
Breast Augmentation 51 The patient is a 50 year old woman who complained of sagging of her breasts over time and loss of overall tone of the breast. She was especially bothered by the loss of breast tissue in the upper part of her breast which she thought made her...

Breast Augmentation 44
Breast Augmentation 44 The patient is a 28 year old woman who wished breast augmentation with saline breast implants. Since she was relatively small in stature, she wished to have an implant size that would compliment and go with her chest and body size. She wanted to...

Breast Augmentation 49
Breast Augmentation 49

Breast Augmentation 47
Breast Augmentation 47

Breast Augmentation 19
Breast Augmentation 19 The patient is a 20 year old woman who wished small implants and to change the direction of pointing of her nipples as she said they pointed slightly downward. At surgery, the space for the implant was fashioned so that the implant could sit...

Breast Augmentation 30
Breast Augmentation 30 The patient is a 31 year old woman who wished breast augmentation but wanted a natural look and she wanted saline breast implants. She tried on different sizes of implants under a special sizing bra at her consultation and like 330 cc. At her...

Breast Augmentation 21
Breast Augmentation 21 The patient is a 29-year-old woman who wished for more fullness to the upper part of her breasts and wished to be slightly larger. She tried on different size implants at her initial consultation and liked 275 cc. and she wanted gel implants....

Breast Augmentation 32
Breast Augmentation 32 The patient is a 33 year old who felt her breast had always been small. She mentioned that she felt that her chest was wide and that her breast just didn’t fill the width of the chest and so she didn’t have “cleavage”, fullness of the upper part...

Breast Augmentation 50
Breast Augmentation 50

Breast Augmentation 54
Breast Augmentation 54

Breast Augmentation 34
Breast Augmentation 34 The patient is a 29 year old woman who wanted larger breasts and felt that the lower part of her breasts were not full. She was an A cup and wanted to be a full B. At surgery a 230 cc. smooth surfaced get implant was placed. The patient was very...

Breast Augmentation and Lift 1
Breast Augmentation and Lift 1 The patient is a 29 year old woman who complained of loss of fullness in the upper part of her breast and that her breasts were drooping. She also felt that her nipples were pointing slightly downwards. She noted she was a large A cup...

Breast Augmentation and Lift 9
Breast Augmentation and Lift 9 The patient is a 32 year old woman who complained of her breast being to low on her chest that gave her a matronly appearance. She also noted loss of fullness in the upper part of her breasts and wanted to know if a lift can give...
Breast Augmentation Before and After Photo Gallery
Breast augmentation is one of the most gratifying and self-affirming plastic surgery options available today as more than twenty million women have opted for breast enhancement. These patients have sought not only breast enlargement but also to enhance shape as plastic surgeons strive to create a fuller, softer, and more natural breast appearance.
But how is it possible that an implant can redefine a woman’s shape? The simple answer is that breast implants works together with a woman’s own natural tissues to create their new shape. The surgery is performed in such a way as to allow the patient’s own chest muscles to act as an internal bra that provides long-term support for the implant. This new support also gently pushes the implant upwards to establish a naturally appearing fullness in the upper part of the breast. These shape improvements make the breast look more full and youthful and so it is no wonder why patients not only seek breast augmentation in their younger years but even more so women who have lost shape and size after childbirth and breastfeeding. These patients seek to “get back what they have lost”, however breast enhancement seeks to not only return breast shape to its pre-pregnancy position but perhaps to even improve on a woman’s breast shape prior to pregnancy by shaping and sizing the new breast to match the patients current physique.
New technology has expanded women’s choice of implant and helped the breast implant doctor give patients great cosmetic results by improving on cleavage and gaining natural projection and the best shape for the breast. The newer breast implants are softer and feel more like the natural breast both inside and out, and, along with a woman’s new shape bring a renewed sense of confidence and joy.