Rhinoplasty Before and After Photos
Welcome to our photo gallery showcasing before and after pictures of rhinoplasty surgery. Rhinoplasty is a cosmetic procedure that involves reshaping the nose to improve its appearance and function. This procedure can address various issues such as a crooked or humped nose, a wide or narrow bridge, or a bulbous or droopy tip. Many people who undergo rhinoplasty report increased self-confidence and improved quality of life. In this gallery, we have compiled a collection of real-life examples of the transformations that can be achieved with rhinoplasty surgery. We hope that these images of actual patients will help you understand the potential benefits of this procedure and inspire you to explore the possibilities of rhinoplasty for yourself.

Rhinoplasty 27
Rhinoplasty 27

Rhinoplasty 26
Rhinoplasty 26 The patient is a 21 year old who felt that he nose looked good in general but was slightly too large for her face. She noted the width of her nose over the bridge but didn’t think her bump was prominent and she thought her nasal tip was good. She...

Rhinoplasty 25
Rhinoplasty 25 What is Open Rhinoplasty Most patients who undergo cosmetic nasal surgery (rhinoplasty) have closed rhinoplasty, where all incisions are inside the nose and so there are no external scars. In closed rhinoplasty, the bump on the bridge of the nose can be...

Rhinoplasty 24
Rhinoplasty 24

Rhinoplasty 23
Rhinoplasty 23 One of the most amazing aspects of rhinoplasty relates to how it appears to change other parts of the face. And with good preoperative planning, these changes are not totally predictable but always aesthetically pleasing. One aspect of this change in...

Rhinoplasty 22
Rhinoplasty 22 This patient in her mid-twenties came for facial plastic surgery consultation because she thought her nose was too prominent for her face and she complained of the “bump” on her nasal bridge. She wanted her new nose to go with her face and to be less...

Rhinoplasty 21
Rhinoplasty 21

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Rhinoplasty 20

Rhinoplasty 19
Rhinoplasty 19 The patient is a 29 year old woman who noted that her nose was too large for her face. She wanted her “nose job” to appear natural and didn’t want anyone to see any tip-offs that she had had surgery. The patient also wanted a nose that would blend in...

Rhinoplasty 18
Rhinoplasty 18 This patient noted that her nose was too thick and large for her face and she thought her tip drooped. On examination of the patient’s nose, there was a bump on the bridge of the nose that overshadowed the tip as one moved down the bridge on side view....

Rhinoplasty 17
Rhinoplasty 17

Rhinoplasty 16
Rhinoplasty 16 The patient is a 17 year old who felt that her nose was too wide for her face. She thought that all the parts of her nose were too wide and specifically the base of the nose where her nostrils were. She thought the tip and the upper part of the nose...

Rhinoplasty 15
Rhinoplasty 15 The patient is a 26 year old woman who felt that her nose was too large for her face and that it was too thick looking. She also noted the “bump” and thought if that was taken down she might look better. She had a closed rhinoplasty which was performed...

Rhinoplasty 14
Rhinoplasty 14 This patient felt that her nose didn’t harmonize with her face and was too prominent. On examination, she had a relatively short nose (vertical length) and tip that was prominent but slightly upturned. The plan was to recess and refine the tip without...

Rhinoplasty 13
Rhinoplasty 13 The patient is a 24 year old woman who wanted to have the “bump” removed from her nose and she wanted her nose to be straight. She also felt that her nose was too large and even downward pointing like a “hook nose”. The patient was relatively tall and...

Rhinoplasty 12
Rhinoplasty 12 The patient is a 50 year old woman who liked the overall shape of her nose but thought the tip was too wide. She wished a rhinoplasty to narrow the tip. At her initial consultation with Dr. Newman, a plan was crafted to not only narrow the tip but also...

Rhinoplasty 11
Rhinoplasty 11 The patient is a 26 year old who wanted to “have the bump taken down” and felt her nose was too large compared with her face. She liked the tip of her nose and didn’t want much change to it. Rhinoplasty surgeons want to gain the maximal improvement for...

Rhinoplasty 10
Rhinoplasty 10 The patient is a 16-year-old who noted the presence of a “bump” on her nose. On examination of the patient’s face and nose, there was a significant bump in the midnose that was creating disharmony within the face. The mid nose was also slightly wide...

Rhinoplasty 9
Rhinoplasty 9 The patient is a 27 year old who thought her nose was too prominent and wished a “nose job”. She felt that her tip drooped a little and that the bump on the bridge of her nose was prominent and was sharp looking and that didn’t go with the rest of her...

Rhinoplasty 8
Rhinoplasty 8 The patient was in her mid thirties and complained of the decreased ability to breathe through both sides of her nose. She also thought her nose was way too large for her face. She wanted to have a cosmetic rhinoplasty and have the breathing issues...

Rhinoplasty 8
Rhinoplasty 8 The patient was in her mid thirties and complained of the decreased ability to breathe through both sides of her nose. She also thought her nose was way too large for her face. She wanted to have a cosmetic rhinoplasty and have the breathing issues...

Rhinoplasty 7
Rhinoplasty 7 The patient is a 28 year old woman who complained of a bump on the bridge of her nose and felt her tip was pinched. She also thought her nose didn’t go with her face. On examination, the patient had a prominent nasal bridge with poor projection of the...

Rhinoplasty 6
Rhinoplasty 6 The patient is a 16 year old who wanted a rhinoplasty to fix the “bump” on her nose. She also thought her nose was large for her face. She said she wouldn’t mind looking different if it would help improve her nose and the overall facial appearance. Path...

Rhinoplasty 5
Rhinoplasty 5 The patient is a 35 year old woman who never really liked the shape or size of her nose. She thought it was “taking over her face” and was “her dad’s nose”. One day she decided to do something about it and sought consultation with a rhinoplasty surgeon....

Rhinoplasty 4
Rhinoplasty 4

Rhinoplasty 3
Rhinoplasty 3 Rhinoplasty Results The patient was happy with her cosmetic results. She really liked her smaller nose and felt it went better with her face. She liked the idea of having a rhinoplasty performed in a way so as to look natural and that there were no...

Rhinoplasty 2
Rhinoplasty 2 Patient observations The patient came for consultation noting that her nose was small but the tip was round and bulbous and she didn’t like the appearance of her nose from the side. She thought that the problem with her nose was mostly in the tip but...

Rhinoplasty 1
Rhinoplasty The patient is a young woman who complained that her nose was too wide and that especially her tip was too wide. She also didn’t like the shape of the tip and wished to have a closed rhinoplasty. There were no breathing problems. Rhinoplasty Results At the...
Rhinoplasty Temecula
Our nose sits right in the center of the face for all to see. No other part of our face seems to define us , to say who we are and even lend a sense of ancestry to our facial form. Patients who come for rhinoplasty consultation often feel that their nose doesn’t “go” with the rest of their face. And often, their nose is stealing the show by calling attention to itself whether because of size or something about its shape. In these patients the nose detracts from letting us see the other beautiful parts of their face. So in one sense, rhinoplasty surgery diminishes the effect that the nose has on the face by making it smaller or by making other changes to nose.
Patients often also tend to focus on one part of the nose that bothers them the most but rhinoplasty surgeons immediately respond with the notion that the nose must be sculpted so that all of the parts work together to create beauty and so all of the parts must be treated, even if minimally to get the nose to its ideal shape.
What is considered the ideal nasal form has changed dramatically over the years. When rhinoplasty was in its infancy in the early 1900’s, patients were only men with very large noses. As surgery became more advanced, women, with naturally smaller noses began to have rhinoplasty but the style continued with making the nose very small and essentially to remove all of the “bump”. This style of rhinoplasty, left what we now call a “ski slope” and even the tip of the nose was diminished so that it lost its shape. Many patients even had this rhinoplasty into the ’80’s.
The current focus on rhinoplasty is to enhance the shape and make all the parts of the nose go together. This is achieved with a respect for the shape of each of the parts of the nose. The “bump” on the nose is reduced when it is too large for the rest of the nose and face but rather than being reduced completely is modified so that the bridge of the nose is straight or slightly bowed in. How much “bump” is taken off is discussed thoroughly with the patient including how shape can affect their ethnic appearance and also relate to the other parts of the face. Should the tip of the nose be too prominent, the tip is reduced but care is taken to retain its character and shape and bring it into alignment with the bridge so that all of the parts work together to create harmony. Looking at the rhinoplasty before and after photos demonstrates these shape ideas and how we help the nose to look great but also retain and even bring out the patient’s natural beauty.