Lip Filler Temecula / Lip Augmentation Before and After Photos
Welcome to our Lip Filler Before and After Photo Gallery! Explore the amazing transformations achieved through lip filler treatments administered by our nurse injector, Izzy Cardenas, RN. Each photo tells a unique story of enhanced beauty and renewed confidence, providing inspiration for those considering lip fillers. Take a moment to appreciate the natural-looking results and imagine the possibilities for your own lips. Discover the power of lip fillers through our collection of before and after photos and embark on your journey towards a more confident smile!

Lip Filler 4
Lip Filler 4

Lip Filler 3
Lip Filler 3 This woman wished to have larger lips but also more definition and a lower lip that was larger than the upper lip. She had a very minimal upper lip and so it was very important to start slow with an initial lip filler treatment and then to add more lip...

Lip Filler 2
Lip Filler 2 This patient had lip filler to augment the natural beauty of her lips. She felt her shape was already good but just wanted more volume. She mentioned she wanted her lips to look more “kissable”. She also wanted her lip edges to be more prominent to create...

Lip Filler 1
Lip Filler 1 This patient had two treatments to achieve a more voluptuous result as was her desire. Women can have lips that are larger than normal as long as the shape is maintained. She also used some of the remaining filler to soften the marionette lines at the...