Laser Skin Resurfacing 8

The patient is a 52 year old who noted deep wrinkles about her mouth which she felt made her appear older than her age. She had already had a face lift to treat her jowling and neck laxity but the procedure didn’t remove the wrinkles around her mouth.

Laser Resurfacing Before and After

As can be seen from her before and after photos, the patient had significant improvement in wrinkle reduction. The change is especially significant because she has make up on in her preoperative photo and no make up on her postoperative photograph and still there is a very significant change.

Types of Laser Treatments for the Face

Of the alternatives for wrinkle removal, especially for moderate to deep wrinkles, the carbon dioxide laser is the most effective and long lasting choice and only one treatment is required. The fraxel laser is not ablative (doesn’t remove the surface layer of skin the wrinkles reside) and so is not as effective as the carbon dioxide laser. The erbium laser is ablative but doesn’t go deep enough to get to moderate to deeper wrinkles.

Microdermabrasion Temecula

Microdermabrasion involves application of a jet of powder to skin to remove the dead skin cells on the surface. This technique is great for the removal of hyperpigmentation, or brown spots but is not effective for removal of moderate to deep wrinkles of the face. After treatment with microdermabrasion, inflammation results and this pops fine wrinkles out temporarily, but the wrinkles return eventually.

Plastic Surgery Temecula
Some experts classify laser skin resurfacing as surgery but others as a procedure because it can be performed under local anesthesia and doesn’t involve making an incision.