Liposuction 6

The patient is a 35 year old who noted fullness of her neck and felt that her “face went right into her chest”.  She wanted to know whether liposuction could help. The patient had liposculpting of the neck performed comfortably under local anesthesia. She was very happy with her cosmetic result and noticed that the suction created more definition within the neck and also helped to separate the face and neck areas so they no longer blended in to each other. 

Something Small that Does a Lot

Liposuction of the neck is a relatively small procedure as it can be performed, as in this patient under local anesthesia. But it can make hug changes in the appropriate patient. Not only does it remove fullness in this area but really sculpts the neck and creates a right angle between the jaw line and the neck. This new definition further define and separates the face and neck but also helps to define the chin. Liposuction can also give the appearance that the neck is narrower and longer which creates beauty. 

What Lies Beneath

Some younger patients may also have looseness of the muscles of the neck that provide support and there may also be fat underneath these muscles. In this situation, a small incision can be made under the chin within a wrinkle and the fat can be removed from both above and beneath the muscles and the muscles can be repaired. In this fashion, the neck can be further defined. An examination by the doctor can help you understand which procedure is best for your anatomy and neck structure.  

Tight as a Drum

In younger patients, liposuction may be all that is needed to achieve significant improvement. As we age, the skin also ages and can become looser. In younger patients who are good candidates for suction alone, the skin is so elastic that it can pull in and “tighten itself”.  But where there is thinning of skin, the skin itself may require treatment. At this point, patients can opt for a “neck lift” or one of different types of face lifts depending on how much laxity there exists in the jowl and cheek areas. 

Liposuction Cost

When comparing the expense for liposuction with other procedures and the fact that it is permanent, it’s a very cost effective solution that can help patients look and feel great. Liposuction arms is a common area for suction as well as liposuction chin, as was done with this patient. Liposuction on stomach is the most popular area within the torso followed by liposuction of thighs.