You have worked hard to achieve excellent cosmetic results through plastic surgery. You have invested in surgery of the body (tummy tuck, liposuction, and breast surgery) or facial treatment including facelifts, brow lift or laser treatment for wrinkles. This work requires both surgeries as well as an emotional investment. Patients want to make the results of their surgery last as long as possible. The following tips will help you get the most from your efforts. Ensure your cosmetic surgery results will be long-lasting to give you the best return for your investment.

Eat Healthy food

Cosmetic surgery procedures that focus on the body may have a subtle but significant influence on your appetite and metabolism. Surgeries like tummy tuck and liposuction affect patients physically, in terms of how the body itself feels to the patient and also how one might feel when looking at oneself in the mirror. This change in appetite may affect how much you want to eat, and so it’s important to “listen to your body” and monitor the situation! During early recovery and even over the long term, it’s good to get into the habit of eating healthy foods. Stick to whole grains, lean protein, lots of vegetables and fruits and drink a moderate amount of water to keep hydrated. Drink to take up space in your tummy so you won’t feel like you need to eat between meals. We are made up mostly of water. Our cells are packed with it, and the cells are bathing in water. Water also flows through the body, facilitating our metabolism.

Regular Exercise

When we exercise regularly, we engage our metabolism and help our weight remain constant. The constant burning of calories ensures that even when we have occasional dietary indiscretions, our body will continue to burn these extra calories. Exercise will smooth out weight fluctuations that can wreak havoc on our skin. Exercise is especially important with a patient who has had tummy tucks and liposuction. Both cardio and weight training can burn calories and maintain your beautiful physique. Weight training can help sculpt and strengthen the bodies support structures and keep you looking and feeling healthy. Keep your workout schedule constant and perhaps three times per week and work the whole body evenly for best results.

Good Skin Care

For the best skincare products, it’s most important to consult a skincare specialist. Skincare products, including hydrating creams and gels and special makeup can prolong the effects of facial plastic surgery. Great skincare products not only treat the skin but also protect our skin from the harmful rays of the sun. Skin protection should be a part of everyone’s daily regimen, and this should not only include skincare solutions but also the general covering of the skin with hats, scarves, and sunglasses but also clothing in areas where there is a strong sun.

Quit Smoking and Drinking

It’s commonly known that smoking and cosmetic surgery don’t go together. Nicotine inhibits healthy skin healing, and there is even carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke. However, inhaled substances can have a significant effect on the skin if used over the long term. So make the surgery period a new start on your life and carry the abstinence from smoking forwards into your new future to protect the long term health and look of your beautiful and youthful skin. Also, keep consumption of alcohol to a mild or at least less than a moderate degree. Alcoholic drinks lead to slow dehydration and can rob all of our tissues of its necessary water and nutrients, including the skin and support structures like healthy muscles and bones.

Follow these few important rules, and you will be on your way to not only a healthier you but in preserving what you have gained from your cosmetic surgery treatment.