1) Transconjunctival Lower Lid Bleharoplasty (TCB)

TCB is a cool way to remove “fat bags” from the lower eyelid as no incision is required on the skin and there is no weakening of the lower lid as does occur with the usual lower eyelid surgery. In TCB, a laser incision is made inside the lid and right on the fat pad and the fat pad is removed to flatten puffy lower lids. This preserves strength to the lower lid. It is the preferred method to remove fat by many plastic surgeons and is also great for patients with pigmented skin as it doesn’t leave a scar. Schedule a consultation today to learn all of our eyelid surgery options. 

2) Fat transfer Breast Augmentation

This method uses the patient’s own fat harvested from the hips, lower abdomen and thighs to fill the breast. The upside is that its natural and no implants are necessary but the results are highly variable so the size cannot be controlled and the breast can only be enlarged about one half a cup size. Most patients in southern California who are considering breast enhancement want to be at least one to two cup sizes larger.

3) Laser treatment for Wrinkles

Most are familiar with the fact that the laser is used in medicine but the carbon dioxide laser is most frequently used to treat fine to intermediate and sometimes even deep wrinkles of the face. The laser is an amazing tool to get rid of wrinkles, no matter what the cause (most wrinkles occur as the result of the aging process and not from cigarette smoking). In fact,  in most patients, at least 85 to 95 percent of wrinkles can be removed. 

4) Panniculectomy

A pannus refers to the excess skin that hangs down from the tummy over the pubic area. It is usually removed during a tummy tuck but when patients are not candidates for a tummy tuck, they might be able to simply have the hanging excess lower abdominal skin removed with a panniculectomy.

5)  Brachioplasty

This is the medical term used to describe an arm lift. There are different ways to accomplish this task. The most common technique is to remove the skin from the inner arm with the fat underneath it. Another technique is to first suction the fat from the arm and then remove the skin in a single surgery.