For established under eye wrinkles, throw those wrinkle creams, eye creams, and anti-aging creams and serums away! Laser treatment for wrinkles can remove 90% or more of the wrinkles and a host of other changes women want to make their under eye area look great.
Shrink Wrap the Skin
The light energy of the laser not only removes wrinkles but also shrinks and naturally tightens the skin of the lower lid and the Crow’s foot area as well. This can provide a great benefit for the contour of the entire lower lid area and the Crow’s foot wrinkles, especially for patients with drooping of the brow and skin excess within the Crow’s foot area.
The Laser Lightens Dark Circles
Many patients develop dark circles around their eyes and within the lower eyelid area. One of the byproducts of the laser is that it can lighten the skin over the long term and this can help those patients with dark circles.
Faster Healing with the Laser
When the laser is used over the cheeks and around the mouth, it takes much longer for healing and the ability to wear makeup. This is because the skin is thicker and the wrinkles are also deeper. So because the skin of the lower lid is thinner and the wrinkles are also less deep, healing is much quicker in this area. The laser can be used safely to tighten and smooth lower lid skin and patients are happier with the laser than other methods for treatment of wrinkles because the effect is so long lasting.
Combination Surgery with Wrinkle Treatment Under Eyes
Patients who have upper eyelid surgery to remove skin excess (hooding of the upper eyelid) also can have wrinkling of the skin of the lower eyelid. In these cases, it’s great to add laser treatment because, with the upper lid treatment, the entire area is rejuvenated.