Abdominoplasty 18

  • Abdominoplasty 18 Temecula, CA
  • Abdominoplasty 18 Temecula, CA
  • Abdominoplasty 18 Temecula, CA

Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck) 

The patient is a 47 year old woman who noticed that her tummy protruded and she also complained of a “muffin top”, where the skin of her sides seemed to flow over her jeans. She felt she was too “hippy” and also thought her stomach stuck out and made her look pregnant.

Tummy tuck pictures

As can be seen from the patient’s before and after photos, the tummy tuck procedure was able to completely flatten the front of her abdomen and improve the straight line features that aesthetically brought out her own natural shape. She also had suction of the hips and that also made her appear less wide and also more sleek.

Tummy tuck cost

Tummy tuck cost (abdominoplasty cost) is significant but the changes afforded by the surgery can be life changing.  It’s a good idea to make a consult to see if a tummy tuck can make a significant change for you and so to see if it is worth the money. At your appointment, you can meet with the Doctor and you can be evaluated to see if you can have significant change and to determine the safety for you based on your anatomy. A care plan can be tailored for your wishes and shape.

Is a tummy tuck worth it?

This is why it is so important to be evaluated by an experienced plastic surgeon. Most patients think it is worth having surgery if the surgery can be performed safely and smoothly and there is significant change. These things can usually be evaluated at the time of your consultation.

What is a full tummy tuck?

Patients like to use the term “full tummy tuck” to mean a standard tummy tuck. In a standard tummy tuck an incision is made from hip to hip (as opposed to a mini tummy tuck where the incision is made just above the pubic area). The standard is done because this allows the removal of all excess skin and also allows the muscle layer to be tightened from top to bottom.

How much weight do you lose with a tummy tuck?

Tummy tucks really sculpt the abdomen by flattening the front of the tummy and allowing for removal of skin so the result is smooth, flat and smaller appearing but the actual weight change is minimal, representing only the skin that is removed. This can vary from one quarter of a pound to four pounds.

It is very important to be at or near one’s goal weight to get the best  results from a tummy tuck. And being at your best weight allows for good healing so you can get back to activities.

How long is recovery from a tummy tuck

With advances in local anesthetics (which can be placed when patients have a tummy tuck under general anesthesia), patients are instructed to begin walking when they get home after surgery. Every patient responds differently to their surgical procedure but most patients are walking one mile, twice a day by day five and are driving also by then. Most patients who have desk jobs are back to work between one to two weeks. Patients are instructed to get into a walking program and are generally walking a couple of miles at a time by two weeks. Patients can begin to use the elliptical by three weeks and are jogging anywhere from four to six weeks. Also , at six weeks, patients can begin core exercises and weights.

Tummy tuck scars

The scar for a standard tummy tuck goes from hip to hip but plastic surgeons have a lot of tricks in their bag to help hide the scar while it is healing. The procedure can be planned so that the scar can be concealed underneath underpants during the healing phase of the scar.

Patients should not only think of the scar but also balance the idea of having a scar with the improvement a tummy tuck can give them. Almost always, tummy tuck patients have significant change, which makes the presence of a scar less of an issue. Over time, the scar fades but the cosmetic improvement persists.

Mini tummy tuck

Some patients seek improvement in the lower part of the abdomen and have minimal skin that needs tightening. Mini tummy tucks are a smaller procedure than a standard, or full tummy tuck and the scar is usually smaller too.

Tummy tuck prices

Prices vary for tummy tucks depending on the type of procedure required and where the procedure is performed.

Tummy tuck vs lipo

Liposuction, also called liposculpture, removes fat deposits immediately beneath the skin. Tummy tuck surgery treats skin excess and also flattens the tummy by tightening the fascia and muscle layer.
